Worship Together In-Person or Online!
Hope's worship service is both in-person and online at 10:30 am.
Join us for Lively Worship the first Sunday of each month. Lively Worship is designed to engage families with young children (and everyone) in a joyful expression of God's abundant love.
Online Attendees:
Hope Lutheran Church and Student Center is a community of growing disciples of Jesus Christ who love our neighbors, both near and far. We affirm that everyone is created in the image of God and is deserving of God’s love and grace. We recognize that for many people, “church” has not always felt like a welcoming place. We celebrate our human family’s diversity of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, race, ethnicity, culture, and age. We embrace differences in relationship status, physical and mental ability, education, income, worldview, and political affiliation. We are committed to the full inclusion of all people in our community and invite you to journey with us toward a deeper faith, mutual respect, greater love and understanding, and reconciliation through Jesus Christ. We invite you to read Hope's full Welcoming Statement.
New and returning University of Maryland students are invited to worship at Hope and to participate in the life of our congregation.
Worship at Hope this Sunday at 10:30 am
4201 Guilford Drive College Park, MD 20740 Office: 301-927-5508 Email: office.hopecp @ gmail.com
Directions and map
Everyone is welcome to participate in the following events of the Hope community and beyond. Check the most recent newsletter for additional events and more information.
- Sundays - Elementary-Aged Children's Sunday School - 9:30 am (every other week). Please check the most recent newsletter for upcoming dates.
- Sundays - Choir Rehearsal - 9:30 am.
- Sundays - Humble Walk Meal and Worship for Students - 5-7 pm.
- Tuesdays, First Tuesday of the Month - Taize Community Worship - 7:30 pm at two neighboring congregations. Check the most recent newsletter for dates and locations.
- Tuesdays, Second and Fourth Tuesdays of the Month - Quilters of Hope - 10 am. Upcoming dates: January 28.
- Tuesdays, Third Tuesday of the Month - Hope Delivers Lunch to the Prince George's County Day Center - 1 pm. Upcoming dates: January 21, February 18.
- Tuesdays and Thursdays - Community Meals from College Park UMC. Order your carry-out dinner from College Park United Methodist Church and support local people in need. Order here. Further information is available here.
- Saturday, January 25 - New Members' Mini-Retreat - 3:00-5:30 pm. New and current members of the community will get to know each other and grow in faith together.
- Sunday, January 26 - Hope Provides Humble Walk Dinner - 4:30 pm preparation; 5 pm dinner; 6 pm worship; 7 pm clean-up
- Sunday, February 2 - Lively Worship - 10:30 am
- Sunday, February 2 - Potluck Lunch and Congregational Meeting - after worship; the meeting is in-person and online. Further details will be provided.
- Wednesday, February 12 - Quilters of Hope Donate Quilts to Lutheran World Relief - time TBA
Hope provides space for the following ongoing activities:
- Sundays - Christian Stability Ministry - 1:30-2:30 pm (refugee support church)
- Saturdays - Living Water Seventh Day Adventist Congregation
Donate to Hope
Your generosity helps Hope continue to be the Body of Christ in and for the world. As we continue to seek ways to be faithful and look for opportunities to serve our neighbors, we encourage you to be faithful in your giving. You may donate to support Hope's ministries in the following ways:
- The offering basket is passed during the worship service.
- Give online using the "Donate" button at the top of this page.
- Text your donation to 844-904-1808 and enter the amount you want to give in the message space. You will need to register the first time, even if you are already registered with Vanco.
- Use the GivePlus mobile app. Search in the app store for Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church or zip code (20740). If you have an online account with Vanco, sign in with your email address. If you don't have an account, you can create one. You can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation.
Parking at Hope
Parking remains free for all worship services and for church volunteers during the week. Hope has, however, joined a professionally managed parking program. People who are not part of the Hope community will scan a QR code on signs in the upper parking lot to pay for hourly or daily parking.
It's OK to Not Be OK
These are still unusual times, and some people are still anxious and isolated. Of course God is with us. And things may be really hard. You don't have to go through this alone. Call any of these free numbers for support from trained individuals, or simply for someone to talk to.
Reconciling in Christ
Hope members voted unanimously on November 19, 2017 that Hope become a Reconciling in Christ congregation and to adopt our Welcoming Statement. We publicly affirm that all people are welcome here, and welcome to be fully themselves. Hope has compiled a list of resources for LGBTQ individuals and others in the congregation and community.
Anti-Racist Resources
We are called as Christians to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. In living this out, we are called to amplify the voices of our black and brown siblings. In addition to organizing a book study group and an anti-racist parenting group last year, Hope created a list of educational and support resources. This list includes books, podcasts, black-owned businesses in College Park, petitions, people to follow, and more to help you support and advocate for your neighbors.
Meet Our Pastor
Learn about Pastor Julie Bringman, her previous experiences, and her ministry at Hope.
Hope's Little Free Library
Check out the Little Free Library! Take a book - leave a book.
Find "Hope Lutheran Church and Student Center" on Facebook and then click to "like" us.
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Photo credit (baptismal font): Naviimpressions.com