July 27, 2024

Our Pastor

Pastor Julie Bringman with and without mask 2020Pastor Julie Bringman (she/her) loves working in the church because she knows the church to be a place where God meets each of us just as we are. As God meets us, we are then invited to meet and know others deeply, and know our own selves more fully in God. 

Pastor Julie has been Lutheran her whole life but has also spent significant time living, learning, working and serving with Quakers (at Earlham College), with Hindus and Buddhists (living in India), and with United Methodists (at a new church plant in Washington DC). She is a graduate of The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg and has been living in the DC area since 2009.

Pastor Julie lives in Washington, DC, with her husband and young children. She enjoys running, cooking new recipes, creative projects, and being outdoors.

At Hope, Pastor Julie is honored to use her gifts leading worship, Bible studies, and other programs that invite each of us into deeper relationship with God, each other, and our deepest selves. She also loves the more quiet aspects of pastoral ministry: meeting with people 1:1, sharing the stories of life and faith. She writes, “I consider it a gift that God has called me into ministry.”

Pastor Julie was called as pastor of Hope on August 9, 2015. She began her ministry with the congregation on September 14, 2015, and was ordained to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament and installed on October 17, 2015. (She served a term call for three years when Pastor Ray Ranker served part-time as senior pastor at Hope as part of the Synod-sponsored collaborative ministry program.) On June 10, 2018, the congregation called Pastor Julie to a permanent call as pastor of Hope.

Contact her by phone or by using the form on our Contact Us page. 


Hope Lutheran Church and Student Center

4201 Guilford Drive

College Park, MD 20740


office.hopecp @ gmail.com


Worship (In-Person and Online)Sunday 9:30 am. Our worship space is on the upper level. Child care is available.

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About Hope

Visit the About Us section to find out more about Hope. Hope is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. Read our full Welcoming Statement.

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  • Welcoming
  • Growing Disciples who Lead
  • Loving Our Neighbors, Near and Far


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