July 27, 2024

Core Values and Mission

IMG 2273 edited

Hope's Core Values

We are ...

  • Welcoming
  • Growing Disciples who Lead
  • Loving Our Neighbors, Near and Far


Hope Lutheran Church and Student Center, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, strives to be a community of

  • faith;
  • Biblical hospitality, and 
  • friendship

growing in Jesus Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

With God's help, we commit ourselves to

  • gather for Word and Sacrament, 
  • teach and study God's word,
  • bear witness to the gospel in our daily lives,
  • support, encourage, and work in partnership with the Lutheran Campus Ministry at the University of Maryland,
  • give ourselves in loving service, following the example of Jesus Christ.

Hope Lutheran Church and Student Center

4201 Guilford Drive

College Park, MD 20740


office.hopecp @ gmail.com


Worship (In-Person and Online)Sunday 9:30 am. Our worship space is on the upper level. Child care is available.

RIC Logo 2020

About Hope

Visit the About Us section to find out more about Hope. Hope is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. Read our full Welcoming Statement.

Our Core Values

We are ...

  • Welcoming
  • Growing Disciples who Lead
  • Loving Our Neighbors, Near and Far


Our weekly newsletter includes all of the information you need about current activities and opportunities to be involved.






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