The members and friends of Hope Lutheran Church and Student Center welcome all persons into our community of faith. We invite you to read our Welcoming Statement.
Hope is:
- a small, welcoming community that treasures the biblical gift of hospitality to all people;
- a group of dedicated Christians deeply committed to growing as disciples of Jesus;
- a congregation that celebrates the Lord's Supper each Sunday in worship, providing strength to go out into the weekday world, refreshed and forgiven, bearing the grace of God to all;
- a singing congregation that celebrates the gift of music as part of the rich liturgical tradition of the church;
- a place where those from the University of Maryland community--students, faculty, and staff--can gather together with others from all over the greater Washington, DC area;
- a place where it’s perfectly okay to bring your questions and your doubts, and find them given honest and open discussion;
- a place where life-long learning is celebrated and practiced; and
- a place where the Good News of the love of Jesus is shared with all in both word and action.
Come and worship together, get to know us, and become part of this faith community!
Please explore the About Us section to learn about Hope's pastor, core values and mission, ministries, learning opportunities, the history of our church, and the ELCA.
Hope schedules events such as adult forums after coffee hour (visit our Learning page) and multi-generational fellowship activities ranging from birding to game nights, Lenten and Advent programs, and picnics. Recent community outreach programs have included a monthly movie series, a support program for expectant and new mothers, and an Advent petting zoo.
An annual favorite is the Shrove Tuesday pancake supper (with pancakes cooked by The Humble Walk/Lutheran Student Association). Hope's choir always welcomes new members to its ministry of music.